Over Active Bladder in men

Over Active Bladder in men – Diet tips

There are different stages and or aspects of OAB.  These tips relate more to frequent visits to the bathroom.

There are certain foods and drinks that can make symptoms of OAB worse. Removing these foods and drinks from a person’s diet, may help them support the treatment of these symptoms. Removing or reducing carbonated beverages from the diet may help to treat OAB symptoms.

Reducing or eliminating caffeine and alcohol helps some people. Both substances are diuretics, meaning they cause the body to create more urine. This can simply add to the cycle of frequent urination.

Other things to limit when treating symptoms of OAB include:

  • carbonated beverages
  • aspartame and artificial sweeteners
  • cranberry juice, which is another diuretic

As well as limiting certain foods and drinks, cutting down on liquids consumed before bed can help reduce nighttime symptoms.

In addition, spicy foods and acidic foods like orange juice and tomato sauce can irritate the bladder and urethra on their way out. This may make symptoms worse in some patients.

An especially important factor for people with OAB is to make sure they are getting enough water.

Many patients with OAB automatically reduce how much liquid they drink to try and reduce their urine production, which does not actually help.

Reducing fluid intake can cause dehydration and makes urine more concentrated. Concentrated urine irritates the bladder, which can OAB make symptoms worse.

Tobacco use is also associated with OAB symptoms in both men and women. Reducing or eliminating smoking is seen as a positive change towards better bladder health.

Other tips I have added these other tips as I have found helpful. Please note that this is my personal experience. They worked for me.

  1. Follow an exercise program. Do  what you are comfortable with and don’t kill yourself with too much exercise.  Three times a week seems to be a good standard e.g. taking a half hour walk every other day works for me.
  2. Learn how to do kegel exercise and continue doing it until your bladder gets back to normal. I consider normal – from about 4 hours upwards between visits to the bathroom.
  3. Make notes of your visits and try to stick to intervals. If you have 2 hour visits try to increase your intervals gradually over time until you are comfortable. This may have to be done over an extended period of time.  What you are doing is retraining your bladder. In my opinion 4 hours seems to be a reasonable period between urinations during the day.  If you achieve this during the day you would find that you may only have to go once during the night.
  4. Don’t drink too much coffee or alcohol.  I get around this by drinking decaffeinated coffee.
  5. Eat healthy. Pumpkin seeds is a good addition to your diet.
  6. Monitor whatever habit you have and see whether it is working for you or not.

One example could be your water intake. Are you drinking too much water or too little?  See what quantity works best for you. Is your quantity 2, 4, 6 or 8 glasses?  See which quantity sends you to the bathroom too often.

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The contents of this article are for informational services only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any question you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read on the www.awebsage.com site.